

BEING | 存在

Immersive Interactive VR work, 8min 30seconds, 2022 | 沉浸式交互VR作品,8分30秒,2022

The ethereal dance of particles forms the halo of spacetime, and within our universe, a continuous twinkle unfolds. "Being" invites the audience to step from the present moment into a virtual realm, allowing them to perceive the purest essence of cosmic life at the very heart of spacetime.


This immersive artwork unfolds in three distinct segments:

1. Origin: Users, at the core of the experience, transcend the tangible, shaping the vast cosmos through exploration and interaction.

2. First Encounter: Through bodily and auditory engagement, participants actively mold the trajectories of matter and life, imprinting their unique mark on the evolving cosmic canvas.

3. Whole View: Centered around bodily interaction, users become integral to the perpetual ebb and flow of the cosmic life cycle, contributing to the rhythmic harmony within the virtual realm.



“存在”以肢体互动、声音互动为方式,于层叠的能量场中刻画物质与生命的轨迹 ;


Human existence is confined, yet in the conscious acknowledgment of the vast internal space, a connection to the infinite life force of the universe is established. "Being" endeavors to guide the audience to organically grow in harmony with the cadence of spacetime, encouraging exploration of their unique life narratives across various dimensions.



Selected Stills from the work | 作品静帧节选 :


The audience is welcomed into the virtual world by a beam of particles that starts by drawing a circle, guiding them to look 360 degrees around. This light beam then grows like petals from the horizon, rising and gently falling around the viewer. This design helps the audience become familiar with the new world, observing and learning with fresh, untainted eyes, leaving behind their real-world perceptions.

As they begin to interact with the environment, using handlers to draw and create new particles, their creations influence their subsequent actions in a dynamic feedback loop. This phase metaphorically represents life: understanding the basics, creating, and having past experiences shape future actions. The black and white scene symbolizes the unity between the audience and the environment, blending them into one cohesive entity.

In the third chapter, colorful particles start to emerge, allowing continued interaction with both white and colorful particles, symbolizing coexistence and mutual influence. This stage illustrates our interconnectedness within the universe. As the scene evolves, merging particles create dynamic, abstract spaces, encouraging viewers to explore and witness the convergence of everything into beams of light and sand.


Selected Photos from the Exhibition | 作品展览图片节选 :


After this journey, many feel emotionally fulfilled, seeing connections within the universe, humanity, and their own lives. Children, in particular, show a deep love for the artwork, engaging repeatedly and understanding its essence. This spiritual exploration reflects my contemplation of life, and the audience's heartfelt feedback affirms that fundamental truths resonate deeply, transcending language and speaking directly to the soul.



Photos from the exhibition site of ‘Being’ showcasing at the Digital Paradise: An Immersive Art-Tech Experience in Sanya



2023 Digital Paradise: An Immersive Art-Tech Experience in Sanya, Wanda Art Center, Sanya, China

Beyond Cosmos, Within Us – Solo Exhibition of DaDa, C Future City Public Digital Museum, Shenzhen, China

2023 三亚“数字天堂”沉浸式科技艺术体验展,万达艺术中心,三亚,中国



Artist: DaDa (Qiuyan Da)

Sound: Fangxia Wei

Production: Astra Technology Co., Ltd

艺术家: DaDa (笪秋焱)

音乐: 魏方夏

技术支持与制作: 北京元星恒曜科技有限公司