
Encoded Life

 Encoded Life | 生生不息

generative digital artwork, 40seconds, 2023 | 生成式数字作品,40秒,2023

Based on the mechanism of L-System, Encoded Life series attempt to build a complex iterative system that depicts the imaginary picture of life growing and expanding among the universe. L-system is a mathematical model used to describe natural growth behavior of certain types of organism like plants or human lungs. By adding rules and parameters to the algorithm, Encoded Life generates organic shapes and structures that keeps evolving. As Taoism says, ‘Dao begets One, One begets Two, Two begets Three, Three begets all things’. Building up from a simple set of rules, the image becomes so mysteriously beautiful with its arbitrarily complex composition. Encoded Life encapsulates the life force that permeates all existence, showcasing the artist's exploration of the profound relationship between our internal experiences and the vast universe.

《生生不息》系列以描述生长规律的L-System数学模型为基础,搭建了一个从“一”生长、自内向外、不断延伸更新的复杂体系。“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,这句描述宇宙间万物生长运行的法则同样讲述了生命单体内部的运作规律。L-System作为研究细胞交互作用的数学模型被广泛应用于植物生长、人体气管结构与模拟各种生态物体的形态研究中。《生生不息》通过定义底层结构模型,调用简单参数使枝干系统层层变换,将“光”作为元素加入系统的迭代中。在不同的生成规则运作下,DaDa试图描绘出我们的外层空间(outer space)与内层空间(inner space)的生命样貌,同时带领我们去体会这两者之间无形的连接。

Each piece in the "Encoded Life" series is a testament to the artist's skill in harnessing mathematical models to create art that resonates with both the natural world and philosophical concepts. The first piece, with its intricate and delicate interplay of light and color, forms ethereal shapes that seem to float and expand in a dark void, capturing a sense of mysterious beauty. The second piece presents a dynamic and fiery composition, with swirling patterns that evoke energy and motion, highlighting the vibrant force of life. The third piece, featuring a softer and more pastel-like color palette, creates a serene and harmonious visual experience, embodying tranquility and balance. The fourth piece offers a cooler, almost cosmic representation, with blue and white hues forming intricate, flowing structures that evoke the vastness of space, suggesting the infinite expanse of the universe… Each artwork in the series builds from simple rules to reveal arbitrarily complex compositions, echoing the Daoist concept of creation and interconnectedness. Together, these pieces illustrate the artist's exploration of the profound relationship between our inner space and the physical outer space, portraying the life force that exists among all beings through a mesmerizing blend of natural growth patterns and philosophical depth.



"Encoded Life" explores the intricate relationship between the external objective world and the internal subjective experience, reflecting the intertwining and folding of these dimensions. This artwork constructs a narrative that examines humanity's quest to understand cosmic laws and integrate them with individual experiences. Displayed across multiple screens in an expansive open space, the piece invites viewers into an immersive environment where they can explore the macro and micro aspects of existence. The dynamic visuals generated through complex algorithms evoke a sense of awe, mirroring the vastness of the universe and the minutiae of molecular structures, prompting contemplation on the structure of existence and the essence of being.

The exhibition draws inspiration from a rich history of artistic responses to celestial phenomena, spanning over eighty years of creative exploration. It resonates with the polished aesthetics of space-age designs and the vibrant colors reminiscent of nebulae. The work's evolving visuals and soundscape aim to blend the audience's perception of reality with a meditative introspection, highlighting the fluid boundaries between the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown. "Encoded Life" encourages viewers to reflect on their place within the cosmos, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.



The "Encoded Life" series has been exhibited in numerous cities, captivating audiences with its stunning visual presentations. These exhibitions have been showcased on a variety of screen ratios, from large-scale immersive installations to intimate gallery displays, each adapting the artwork to its unique setting and enhancing the viewer's experience.Below are photos of the "Encoded Life" series exhibited in different cities and on various ratios of screens, capturing the essence and impact of these remarkable works in different contexts.




2024 Evolutionary Space, K11 Mall, Tianjin, China

Rekindle, Times Art Mesuem of Chongqing, Chongqing, China

2023 Beyond Cosmos, Within Us – Solo Exhibition of DaDa, C Future City Public Digital Museum, Shenzhen, China

Evolutionary Space,  Media Lab, Shanghai, China

Singularity: Arrival of Tomorrow Digital Art Exhibition, Haihui Art Museum, Zhengzhou, China

The Big Bang!, MC HOUSE, Chengdu, China

2024 演化的空间(天津站),K11 商城,天津,中国


2023 外向内折——DaDa个展,中洲湾公共数字美术馆,深圳,中国

演化的空间(上海站),Media Lab,上海,中国

奇点:明日降临 数字艺术展,海汇美术馆,郑州,中国

宇宙大爆炸 THE BIG BANG!,MC HOUSE,成都,中国