
Digital Landscape


Generative Artwork,11min 15seconds, 2021 | 数字生成作品(有声),11分15秒,2021

Nature transcends its physical form, embodying a profound energy field. Through digital art, I aim to depict nature's myriad phenomena, sparking a dialogue that explores the origins of life itself. Each natural landscape carries its unique context, and through digital coding, I have created nine distinct dynamic image sequences: "Dark Waters," "Night Sea," "Snow Plains," "Cracked Earth," "Sand Dunes," "Fields," "Auroras," "Lightning," and "White Mountains." The colors and textures of these images undergo continuous dynamic changes under algorithmic simulation, evolving and forming new shapes, immersing viewers in the boundless essence of nature.

自然绝非仅仅是物质或形式的存在,它是天然的能量场,我尝试用数字艺术的方式来描绘自然中的万千物象,唤起我们与自然的对话交流,借由对话探索生命的本源。每个自然景观都有其特有的脉络,我通过数字代码生成了【黑水】【夜海】【雪原】【裂土】【沙丘】【田野】【极光】【闪电】和【白山】这 9 个独立的动态图像序列作品,图像的颜色纹理在算法模拟下持续进行着动态变化,不断充盈,生成新的形态,试图带领观者融入这个无边的自然。


The work is displayed on a 20-meter-long LED wall, accompanied by a soundscape specifically designed with Tibetan singing bowls. This combination aims to provide a peaceful and beautiful environment for relaxation and contemplation. The large-scale LED wall not only showcases various dynamic landscapes but also adds vitality to the entire room with its delicate colors and changing textures. Viewers can immerse themselves in these continuously evolving scenes, feeling the wonder and vastness of nature.

The Tibetan singing bowls' soundscape perfectly blends with the visual effects, with deep and resonant tones that seem to echo throughout the space, further enhancing the immersive experience. This dual sensory experience helps viewers find inner peace and relaxation. The soundscape is designed not just for auditory pleasure but also to guide the audience into a meditative state, allowing them to focus more deeply on the artwork and its deeper meanings.



This grand display fills the entire space with the atmosphere of the artwork, as different scenes and landscapes continuously unfold before the viewers, taking them into new worlds. Through its generative abstract forms, viewers can not only observe but also wander freely within their hearts, experiencing an unprecedented sense of freedom. In this environment, they can temporarily set aside the worries of the real world and fully immerse themselves in the world of art, enjoying a serene and beautiful journey of the soul.

"Digtal Landscape," as a collection of digital landscapes, juxtaposes these nine pieces and will continue to accumulate image sequences, becoming an ever-growing and expanding collection of natural life. Designed to offer a meditative and healing experience, this work encourages viewers to explore their inner spaces and find tranquility within.




2021 NFT Art Week Shenzhen, C Future Lab, Shenzhen, China

2021 区块链数字艺术周,中洲未来实验室,深圳,中国