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Becoming Space


generative artwork, 40seconds, 2022 | 生成式数字艺术作品,40秒,2022

Though we are all small-scale energies that emit and receive through our sensory organs, the afferent and efferent nerve pathways, and the brain, we are not merely an array of algorithmic functions and logical gateways that passively process events. We are dynamic beings, constantly evolving, perceiving, and interacting with the world around us. Driven by sophisticated algorithms, the Becoming Space series consists of three digitally generated dynamic architectures that ceaselessly generate and reorganize through spatial division and reconfiguration. These architectures are not static; they pulse with life, echoing the constant flux of our inner experiences.

每分每秒,每一瞬间,我们的身体都在与外界交换着能量。如果我们将自身存在投射为一个虚拟空间,那么这个空间将始终处于一种变化的状态,不断流动、不断演变、不断形成。然而,我们不仅仅是通过感官、神经通路和大脑来被动处理事件的算法函数和逻辑关口。我们是动态的存在,持续不断地进化、感知并与周围世界互动。由复杂算法驱动,《成 · 形》系列作品分为三个数字生成的动态建筑,通过划分和重组空间不断生成与再配置。这些建筑不是静止的;它们充满了生命,回响着我们内心体验的不断变化。

Starting from personal experience, this series aims to portray the intricate inner landscape of the "I" by depicting abstract spaces that are sometimes agitated, sometimes calm, sometimes fermenting, and sometimes contracting. Each piece invites the audience to delve into these shifting environments, encouraging a deeper exploration of their own unique life spaces and inner worlds. The Becoming Space series is a meditative journey, a visual symphony of the unseen forces that shape our existence, urging viewers to reflect on their own states of being and the continuous interplay between their internal and external realities.

该系列作品从个人经验出发,试图通过描绘时而骚动、时而平息,时而发酵、时而收缩的抽象空间来展示“我”的内在景观。每件作品邀请观众深入这些不断变化的环境,鼓励他们更深入地探索自己独特的生命空间和内心世界。《成 · 形》系列是一段冥想之旅,是一场关于塑造我们存在的无形力量的视觉交响乐,敦促观众反思自己的存在状态以及内外现实的持续相互作用。

Through this artistic expression, the Becoming Space series seeks to transcend the boundaries of traditional art forms, offering a contemplative experience that bridges the gap between technology and human emotion. It is an invitation to not only witness but also to engage with the evolving narrative of our existence, fostering a connection between the viewer and the perpetual transformation of the spaces we inhabit, both within and around us.

通过这种艺术表达,《成 · 形》系列旨在超越传统艺术形式的界限,提供一种桥接科技与人类情感的沉思体验。这不仅是一场见证的邀约,更是参与我们存在演变叙事的邀请,促进观众与我们所栖息的空间(无论是内在还是外在)不断转变之间的联系。