


Researcher: DaDa(Qiuyan Da), Danniella Vizcarra, Claudia Cortés

Interactive Light Installation | 交互性灯光装置

综合材料 | Interdisciplinary Materials

Lumina is an interactive installation designed to generate a profound sense of presence by exploring the personal and peri-personal space of its users. The installation dynamically reflects interactive boundaries of light created by our bodies. As users move within the space, the intensity, color, and shape of these light boundaries change, shaping an intangible environment that enhances self-awareness.

Lumina 是一个互动装置,旨在通过探索用户的个人和周围空间,产生一种深刻的存在感。该装置动态地反映了由我们身体创造的光的互动边界。随着用户在空间中移动,这些光边界的强度、颜色和形状会发生变化,形成一个无形的环境,从而增强用户的自我意识。

Lumina aims to examine the mental and physical boundaries that the human body creates in physical reality. By engaging with the installation, users can explore how these boundaries influence individual behavior. The project also seeks to understand how variations in visual stimuli, triggered by user participation, affect perceptions of their surroundings.

Lumina 旨在探索人体在现实生活中形成的心理和物理边界。通过参与这项装置,用户可以更深入地了解这些边界是如何影响他们的行为方式的。同时,该项目还希望研究,通过用户的互动,所引发的视觉刺激变化是如何影响他们对周围环境的感知的。通过这些探索,Lumina 让用户在体验过程中获得更高的自我意识。

I was working with two fellow researchers Danniella Vizcarra, and Claudia Cortés at at Interactive Architecture Lab on Lumina for the initial four iterative prototypes. In these iterations of Lumina, I was responsible for developing the interactive systems, specifically focusing on tracking and the responsive system building, which involved both software and hardware communication. This foundational work was crucial in creating the seamless interaction between the users and the installation.

我与两位同事Danniella Vizcarra和Claudia Cortés在互动建筑实验室合作,进行了Lumina的前四个迭代原型。在这些迭代中,我负责开发互动系统,特别是追踪人体骨骼和灯光响应系统的构建,这涉及到软件和硬件的通信。这项基础工作对于创建用户与装置之间的无缝互动至关重要。

After my initial involvement, the other two artists continued to develop Lumina, creating new iterations that further refined the mechanical design and responsive systems. Their ongoing work has expanded the installation's capabilities, allowing it to explore even more nuanced interactions between light and user movements. They also developed a three-unit version, enabling more users and more responsive Luminas to construct a more complex user-machine relationship.




2019 London Festival of Architecture, Fold Lab, London, UK

2019 Six Movements, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria

2019 Late at Tate Britain, Tate Britain, London, UK

2019 伦敦建筑节,折叠实验室,伦敦,英国

2019 6个动作,林茨电子艺术节,林茨,奥地利

2019 泰特之夜,英国泰特博物馆,伦敦,英国


Artist: DaDa (Qiuyan Da), Claudia Cortés, Danniella Vizcarra

Technical Support: Dominik Zisch, George Adamopoulos

Special Thanks: Fiona Zisch, Alexander Whitley, Ruairi Glynn