
Robotopia Dreams

Robotopoia Dreams | 机械幻梦

"Robotopia Dreams" is an evolving artwork by DaDa that unfolds in multiple phases. The first phase is a captivating video that introduces the story of the artwork. The second phase combines an interactive digital game with a physical interactive playground, creating an engaging and immersive experience. The upcoming third phase is currently under development, promising further enhancements and new features. Alongside the exhibition of each phase, there are interactive workshops designed for different age groups. Workshops for kids aged 4-10 offer fun and educational activities, while workshops for students aged 16+ provide deeper insights into the creative process and technology logic behind the artwork. This multi-phase approach, coupled with comprehensive workshops, offers a rich, interactive experience for all audiences.


Phase 1: Story Video


Sbrie | 斯布里

- Protagonist and first robot in Robotopia

- 主角,机械幻梦世界的第一个机器人

- Optimistic leader with diverse high-tech abilities

- 乐观的领袖,拥有多种高科技能力

Delin | 德林

- Outgoing, careless demolition expert

- 豪爽,粗心的爆破专家

- Humorous member of the group

- 一名幽默的团队成员

Ebrun | 埃布朗

- 斯布里的第一个古怪朋友

- Sbrie's first quirky friend

- 机械天才,修理一切

- Mechanical genius, fixes everything

Lain | 莱恩

Dark-humored, reserved joker


Likes to compete and quietly support teammates


"Robotopia Dreams" presents a world built from the parts of four small robots. In this machine world, driven by code and circuits, the robots collect energy from their environment to build and improve their space. They autonomously gather parts to assemble new robots and may create new rules based on existing circuits and codes to seek iterative breakthroughs.

《Robotopia Dreams》的世界由四个小机器人身上的零件构成。在这个由代码与电路驱动的机器世界中,小机器人通过收集环境中的能量来建造和改善它们的空间。它们自主收集零件组装新机器人,并可能在原有电路与代码的基础上构建新的规则以寻求迭代突破。

This ever-evolving machine world continuously constructs itself, operating and updating in unison to form new mechanisms and rules. The interplay between these elements serves as a metaphor for our real world. The movement of the small robots symbolizes individual freedom, the giant circuit boards beneath them represent the physical framework of the world, and the underlying code reflects the higher-dimensional societal mechanisms.


The influence of openness on outcomes is subtle. Autonomy and freedom can lead to chaos or transformative upgrades. While codes and circuits impose limitations, they are also essential for the creation of the small robots. "Robotopia Dreams" explores the balance between freedom and regulatory constraints, seeking to construct a better reality and achieve fundamental harmony through the creation of a machine world.

开放程度对结果的影响是微妙的。自主与自由可能带来混乱,也可能带来变革升级。代码和电路虽然构成了限制,但也是创造小机器人的必要条件。《Robotopia Dreams》通过建造机器世界的形式,探索自由度与规则限制之间的平衡,寻求构建更美好现实世界并达成根本和谐的可能。

Phase 2: Interactive Digital Game and Interactive Physical Playground


  • In Phase 2 of "Robotopia Dreams," the imagined cityscape is brought to life as an expansive interactive playground. Inspired by modularity, the artist constructs a sprawling circuit board city on the exhibition floor. Each node within this electronic landscape becomes an interactive playground, blending the nostalgia of childhood toys with futuristic technology. Here, both adults and children are invited to step into the roles of little robots, reshaping the city and transferring energy through their interactions.

  • 在《机械幻梦》的第二阶段中,艺术家将想象中的城市景观转化为一个广阔的互动游乐场。借助模块化的设计理念,在展览地面上构建了一个庞大的电路板城市。在这个电子景观中的每个节点,都变成了互动游乐设施,融合了童年玩具的怀旧感和未来科技。在这里,无论是大朋友还是小朋友,都被邀请成为小机器人,通过互动来改变城市并传输能量。

  • At the heart of the space, a large interactive screen showcases a simplified version of the electronic city. Participants, positioned at four interactive points, use their body movements to navigate their robots through the circuit, overcoming obstacles and guiding them to the central energy tower. When all robots converge, the energy tower releases a transformative wave, upgrading the city and revealing more complex layers of the circuit world. This phase emphasizes collaboration, creativity, and the playful exploration of new rules, mirroring the iterative and adaptive nature of the "Robotopia Dreams" universe.

  • 在空间的中心,一个大型互动屏幕展示了简化版的电子城市。观众站在四个互动点,通过身体的动作来操控他们的小机器人,在电路中穿梭,克服障碍,引导它们到达中央能量塔。当所有机器人聚集时,能量塔会释放出变革性的波动,升级城市,并揭示电路世界更复杂的层次。这个阶段强调协作、创造力和对新规则的探索,反映了《机械幻梦》世界中迭代和适应的本质。

Upcoming Phase 3:

  • The third phase of "Robotopia Dreams" is currently under development incorporate AI, promising further enhancements and new features.

  • 《机器人梦境》的第三阶段正在开发中,将融入人工智能,预计带来更多的增强功能和新特性

In Phase 3 of "Robotopia Dreams," the machine world evolves by incorporating the principles of the "Game of Life" with a focus on "machine reproduction" rules. By initializing various types of land blocks with different values and establishing simple neural networks as transformation rules, the cityscape continuously morphs. The four small robots, each with unique personalities and skills representing different value combinations, can be controlled by players to influence the evolving landscape.

As players deploy these robots to various corners of the world, their interactions shape the city's transformation. When the city reaches its target form, the central energy tower activates, upgrading the machine world to the next level. At this point, the neural network begins its self-learning function, iterating and refining the transformation rules based on the previous level's developments. This phase signifies a deeper exploration of autonomy and adaptation, as the machine world and its inhabitants evolve in increasingly complex ways, reflecting the continual growth and innovation at the heart of "Robotopia Dreams."



Robotopia Dreams

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Robotopia Dreams | |

Little Robots Workshops | 小机器人工作坊:

  • For Kids (Ages 4-10):

    • Interactive and creative workshops designed specifically for young children, encouraging them to engage with the artwork through fun and educational activities.

  • 儿童版(4-10岁):

    • 专为幼儿设计的互动创意工作坊,通过有趣且具有教育意义的活动让他们创作自己的小机器人。

  • For Students (Ages 16+):

    • Advanced workshops aimed at older students, offering deeper insights into the creative process and the software/hardware technology behind robots

  • 学生版(16岁及以上):

    • 面向年长学生的高级工作坊,提供深入了解创作过程和制作小机器人背后技术的机会,教授初步编程知识以及硬件知识。



2024 Yo! City, Azure Pavilion & Wind H, Beijing, China

2024 无限城市,屿庐&山中天艺术中心,Beijing,中国