First, Light

 First, Light | 初光

Immersive Light Installation: Performance Mode & Interactive Mode, 20min, 2021

沉浸式光影装置:表演模式 & 互动模式,20min,2021

"First, Light" is an immersive ligh installation created to explore human inner consciousness and superconsciousness. Using light as a medium, the artist creates a transformative sensory experience that delves into the interactions between individuals, their surroundings, and their own inner selves. This installation encourages participants to free their consciousness from the confines of their physical bodies and merge with the light, fostering a profound sense of connection and liberation.

《First, Light》是DaDa创作的沉浸式交互灯光装置作品,旨在探索人类的内在意识和超意识。以光为媒介,艺术家创造了一个变革性的感官体验空间,深入探讨个体与自我、与他人以及与环境之间的互动关系。该装置鼓励舞者以及观者将意识从身体的束缚中解放出来,与光融合,促使他们感受到深层的连接和自由。

The installation is divided into two modes: performance and interactive experience. In the performance mode, audiences are captivated by dancers whose movements harmonize with the light, creating a mesmerizing visual and emotional experience. Following the performance, the interactive mode invites audiences to engage directly with the light installation, using their own movements to influence and reshape the space. This dual-mode approach allows participants to deeply explore and experience the liberation of self-consciousness and the dynamic interplay between light, space, and human emotion.



Performance Mode | 表演模式

The performance mode of "First, Light" is a 12-minute environmental dance theater where the audience, standing behind the dancers, is fully immersed in a world of light. This captivating experience uses laser projections and fog machines to transform the space in real-time, creating a sensory journey that transcends reality. Integrating elements of body dance, experimental sound, light art, and conceptual techno music, the performance explores the dynamic interplay between modern materials and perceptual dimensions. Here, objects and non-objects, the tangible and intangible, the internal and external, and the inorganic and functional materials transform into either silent or intense expressions.

Inspired by James Turrell’s understanding of light as a medium, this performance mode invites viewers to "see themselves see." It reveals how light itself can be both a medium and a revelation, transforming space into an organic whole where dancers and light intertwine. The performance begins like the awakening of the universe from the Big Bang, starting with a single particle that forms a beam of light, gradually illuminating the entire space. The light evolves, flickering between brightness and darkness, and transforming from points to lines, curves, and various intersecting shapes. These forms project into three-dimensional space, creating ever-changing structures. The dancers interact with these forms, using their bodies and movements to disrupt and reshape the space-time continuum.

As viewers watch the interplay of light and shadow in the darkened environment, they experience a sense of relaxation and security. Enveloped by light, their focus shifts from themselves to the surrounding space. Inspired by the dancers, they instinctively reach out with their hands and arms to interact with the light, exploring how their movements influence the space. This performance becomes a dialogue between the self, others, and the environment, constantly transforming and revealing that nothing is permanent. By blending light, space, and human emotion, "First, Light" offers a profound meditative experience that connects viewers to a deeper understanding of their place within the cosmos.

《First, Light》的表演模式是一段时长12分钟的环境舞蹈剧场,观众站在舞者身后,完全沉浸在光的世界中。这个迷人的体验通过激光投影和雾机的使用实时改变空间,创造出一种超越现实的感官之旅。表演融合了肢体舞蹈、实验声音、光的艺术和概念性的techno音乐,探讨现代材料与知觉维度之间的动态互动。在这里,物体与非物体、有形与无形、内在与外在、无机与功能性材料相互转换,成为或沉默或激烈的表达媒介。受詹姆斯·特瑞尔对于光作为媒介的启发,《First, Light》的表演模式邀请观众“看见自己看见”,揭示了光本身如何既是媒介又是启示, 将空间转变为一个有机整体,其中舞者与光交织在一起。整个演出如同宇宙从大爆炸中觉醒,从一个微粒开始,形成一束光,逐渐照亮整个空间。光的形态在演出过程中不断演变,时而明亮,时而暗淡,从点到线,再到曲线及各种交错的形状。这些形态投射到三维空间中,形成不断变化的结构。舞者通过身体和动作与这些形态互动,打破并重塑时空连续体。

在黑暗的环境中观看光影的互动,观众体验到一种放松和安全感。在光的包围下,他们的注意力从自身转移到周围的空间。受到舞者的启发,他们本能地伸出手臂,与光互动,探索自己的动作如何影响空间。这场表演成为自我、他人和环境之间的对话,不断转变和揭示一切皆非永恒。通过融合光、空间和人类情感,《First, Light》提供了一种深刻的冥想体验,使观众对自己在宇宙中的位置有更深刻的理解。

Interactive Mode | 交互模式

The interactive mode consists of 8 different experiences, inspired by the varying light forms in the performance mode. A motion capture system is set up in the space to capture real-time movements of the audience, allowing them to see immediate light feedback based on their actions. After watching the performance, participants find the interactive experiences intuitive and engaging, expressing that the interactivity is both fascinating and enjoyable.




2021 Aranya Theater Festival, Aranya, Qinhuangdao, China

2021 阿那亚戏剧节候⻦三百,阿那亚,秦皇岛,中国


Artist: DaDa (Qiuyan Da)

Sound: Hongcai Lei

Dance: Guo Tang,Yunfei Deng

Technology Support: Kaixi Chen

Production:E-Go Technology Co., Ltd

艺术家: DaDa (笪秋焱)

音乐: 雷宏才



制作: 鱼果文化科技有限公司